Welcome! I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. I previously received my BA in Government from William & Mary. Before starting my Ph.D. at Carolina I was previously a Project Manager for the Teaching Research and International Policy (TRIP) Project at William & Mary's Global Research Institute.
My research interests are situated at the intersection of American domestic politics and international relations and primarily concern questions of public opinion and climate policy.
Curriculum vitae:
My dissertation focuses on the political economy of the environment, with a particular emphasis on the politics of domestic support for both national and international climate change policy among the American public. The three papers that make up the dissertation use surveys and experiments to examining factors that may persuade or dissuade Americans to support climate action in an effort to better understand both what individuals think about climate change, and how their opinions form.
My work is published or forthcoming in a variety of leading peer-reviewed journals, including International Studies Quarterly, Political Research Quarterly, Security Studies, International Studies Perspectives, PS: Political Science & Politics, and Journal of Global Security Studies.
I have also published several shorter pieces of analysis in media outlets, including Foreign Policy, The Monkey Cage, Lawfare, and Duck of Minerva.

Eric Parajon
Ph.D. candidate UNC, Chapel Hill
Github account